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Monday, January 30, 2012

Arnica Montana is not a city in the West

I know "technically" there is one more day left in January, and although I am no groundhog, we’ve had some pretty gorgeous days lately and the munchkins have been loving being outside.  At the Yankee House our band-aid consumption for wound coverage versus ornamental decoration has been steadily rising, and so I am predicting we will be seeing spring sooner, rather than later.  Now, to get prepared for the inevitable tumbles all good warm weather brings, I will be reloading on my number one most used treatment for all things boo-boo… Arnica Montana. 
Since we have already established I am not a groundhog, for the record I am also not a doctor.  These recommendations are what we take, and give our kids, but if you have some freakishly rare allergy to herbs that have Western states in their name, I hold no responsibility for you taking Arnica Montana and then developing a terminal rash.
As simple as I can put it, Arnica helps prevent bruising, swelling, and general shock and trauma to the body.  It is one of the few first aid items I keep on me, that and hand sanitizer, and I would feel safe to say it is the first thing I reach for when a tumble is involved.  My Grandmother’s mother gave it to her kids and so on down the line, where I now give it to mine, so I feel like it is pretty great stuff.  Among a thousand minor bumps, I most notably used it after 2 surgeries, one car accident, and accredit it for stopping a potentially major black eye in Monkey Britches when his face met the doorknob. 

Always of the “more is better” school of thought, I like to carry it in two forms for twice the effectiveness.  I buy the 30X pellets and carry an ointment called Hyland’s Bumps N’ Bruises since it's easy to apply and carry in its “chapstick-esque” tube.  In the house we have an Arnica spray and gel, and if I search hard enough I’ll bet we have a cream too, but the 30X pellets and Bumps N’ Bruises are my go-to's. 
It's easily found online- I buy it, and a host of other cures from, but if you feel like you needed this yesterday and  are prone to running in to walls, Whole Foods carries it in their health department. 

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