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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Do four animals make a zoo?

Ladybug House

Monkey britches found a ladybug in the kitchen last week and now we have expanded our wildlife division to three dogs and one bug.   I obviously failed miserably at being a groundhog and our gorgeous weather, which I had previously predicted was “here to stay”…“went”, leaving behind near frigid temperatures.  With 70’s replaced by 30’s we could not possibly release our new ladybug without certain death, so this, and some whining from the little ones, is how we became a four pet family, temporarily.  Our lady bug is now shacked up in deluxe accommodations of a “multi- skylight” Mason jar with soft moss bedding and weed and branch furniture.   Not bad if, I say so myself.  I mist the top of her lady shack every other day with water and she is currently quite enamored with a grape I cut in half.  She seems relatively happy here, especially since I enforced the “no ladybug in our rooms” rule and the earthquakes finally stopped. 

Ladybug Picnic
But today, the weather once again changed its mind and delivered a gorgeous and warm 70 degrees by late afternoon.  I think that means it’s time for our little lady friend to move out, but even the discussion of a relocation to a more open abode has monkey britches near tears. 
Perhaps ladybug should plan an escape?
I think if this weather remains tomorrow I will enlarge her skylights and we’ll take her for a walk.  

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