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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Oil Change for your Face

Finding the perfect mix of facial products to give me the “glow,” and keep what I’ve got in its current location or higher, has become a little bit of an obsession.  I am fortunate to be blessed with good genes, from my mother’s side, but one can’t take any chances- this is the only face I’ve got and I took it to bed with makeup on for the first 25 years. 
Let me start by telling you, I am an avid researcher of products.  Now that would be ALL products, not just face.  Last month it was booster seats- you’ve got to keep it interesting.  I would feel safe to say there is nothing that comes in this house that has not been HEAVILY investigated.  And by "investigated", I mean like CSI pulling fibers from the trunk "investigated".    
I don’t quite remember how I first came across this oil, but it landed late December at what Mr. Yankee likes to call “shipping and receiving”, AKA our front door, and I’ve been in love ever since. 
Nuxe: Huile Prodigieuse is this yummy, decadent, multi purpose French oil that smells like clean, beachy, sweet almondy love.  Yep, that’s how I’d describe it.  It says it's a dry oil, actually many oils and Vitamin E, but I would not call it oily at all.  I massage it on my face at night and pat it over my makeup in the morning.  It makes my skin feel so yummy soft and gives me that “glow” I’ve been stalking, all while smelling divine!   My skin just drinks it, especially in these winter days, and my husband thinks it smells like heaven.  It may give you amnesia though, as I’ve had it almost a month now and Mr. Yankee still says, “Honey, you smell so great what is that?”  Now I just make up answers for fun.  

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