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Sunday, January 22, 2012

The big leap... my first BLOG!

It’s kinda like looking over the edge and deciding I am going to jump.  Now this is not the edge of a building mind you-- If I jump, I’ll be OK.  My jump is in to the world of “blogger”.  I don’t even think I know anyone who Blogs, so I’ll admit to being a little intimidated.  I know this fear won’t land me in the hospital.  After all, dying of embarrassment is not on the list of ailments to send for an ambulance- it just feels like it should be right now. 
So, let me start with the basics so hopefully we can eliminate any angry emails.  I will misspell things.  I mean, I’ll try not to, but lets be realistic.  I will definitely misuse punctuation- the semi colon and I are not close.  I can have a sharp opinion and a tendency voice it.  I often send emails out I shouldn’t, and above all I am a strong believer in the truth- hence those emails going out. 
If I say something is great- I mean it’s really GREAT!  Likewise, if I say something is the most useless piece of pathetic garbage in modern times, well... let that speak for itself. 
So, that should about cover it for now!  I’m going to hit send- a little comforted by the fact I know no one is reading this... yet.  

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